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Authors can now logon to conference registra-tion using the same online system they used to submit their papers.

A menu button for Conference Registration will be available after paper reviews are completed. Please login using same user name and password to register online at the same submission site.

All registration fees must be received by November 1, 2009 in order for your paper(s) to be published in the proceedings.

1. Pre Conference Registration fees
    IEEE member                                   $ 475.00   (On-Site Registration Rate is $ 625.00)
    Non IEEE-member                            $ 650.00   (On-Site Registration Rate is $ 950.00)
    IEEE student                                    $ 275.00   (On-Site Registration Rate is $ 375.00)
    Non-IEEE student                             $ 400.00   (On-Site Registration Rate is $ 550.00)
    Additional copy of the proceedings   $ 30.00

A registration can cover up to two papers only. A paper with no registration will not be published. Students’ registration includes: Proceedings (Abstracts, CD ), Banquet Ticket and Coffee breaks Students should provide a proof of their status.

2. Extra-page Charges (for authors only) You are allowed 4 - 6 pages for your paper. You may, as an exception, use up to 2 extra pages at a charge of $100.00 USD per extra page.

IEEE Bosnia and Herzegovina Section