A cordial invitation to participate in IEEE ISSPIT 2013
Due to several requests, it has been decided to give more colleagues the possibility to present their ongoing work and to discuss with participants during ISSPIT 2013. Some special sessions have ben organised.
Special session 1: ICTs for elderly and wellbeing
Send papers to : Dr. Begońa García-Zapirain mbgarciazapi @ deusto.es
Special session 2: Modern Security Issues
Send papers to : Dr. Dimitrios Serpanos, serpanos @ ece.upatras.gr
Special session 3: Signal Processing and Computational Intelligence Techniques in Nuclear Reactor Operations Security
Send papers to : Dr. Tatiana Tambouratzis, tatianatambouratzis @ gmail.com
Special session 4: Factor Graphs: From signal to knowledge processing. Achievements and challenges ahead
Send papers to : Dr. Geroge Vouros, georgev @ aegean.gr
Special session 5: Hybrid SVM Neural Nets in Portfolio Selection and optimal Asset management
Send papers to : Dr. J. Eleftheriadis, jordan@uom.gr and/or Dr. Nikos Loukeris, nikosloukeris @ gmail.com
Special session 6: Security and Privacy Issues in a networked workld
Send papers to : Dr. Aikaterini Mitrokotsa, aikaterini.mitrokotsa @ chalmers.se
Finals results (4-6 pages) and Work in Progress submissions (2-4 pages complete papers) for all special sessions will be possible until Monday, 4 November 2013, Midnight.